I did a series of posts over at Lone Star Times on the constitutional amendments. It was a lot of fun and informative, reading about them, comparing the various commentaries for and against and coming to my own conclusions. Have to do that again someday, although I must admit it took up a bit of time. Hey, it’s a hobby, what can I say?
Prop Short Description BigJolly Says
1 Angelo State Governance For
2 $500 Million in Bonds for Student Loans Against
3 Appraisal Increases Limited to 10% per year For
4 $1 Billion in Bonds for Various Projects Against
5 Economic Development – Small Town Property Tax Freezes Against
6 Exempts Certain Personal Vehicles From Property Taxes for Professionals For
7 Repurchase Property Seized by Eminent Domain at Original Purchase Price For
8 Clarifies Home Equity Loans For
9 Disabled Vet Homestead Exemption For
10 Eliminates Inspector of Hides and Animals Against
11 Requires Record Votes – Legislature Against
12 $5 Billion in Transportation Bonds Against
13 Denial of Bail in Certain Misdemeanors For
14 Allows Judges to Complete Their Terms in Office After the Age of 75 For
15 $3 Billion in Cancer Research Bonds Against
16 $250 Million in Water Resource Bonds For
Clicking on the links takes you to the actual post on LST.
BJ, This would get lost in the shuffle at LST… I really appreciate your research on the various propositions, and admire that you can state your opinion while still objectively presenting opposing ones.
You get an official Hat Tip from Bob…
Don Pardo, tell him what he’s won!
Thanks, Bob! I had a lot of fun doing it.