it’s so hard not to get caught up in the hype. I’ll never forget the scorn that was placed upon President Reagen when he spoke about SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative for those of you from Pasadena). Such ridicule. And yet, today, no one is laughing, they are either thanking him for his vision or scratching their heads (well, some are, some are scratching……) wondering how the heck someone thought about it. Personally, there was never any doubt in my mind, it was a great idea. But then, I’m a computer geek and knew it could work. Combined with propulsion technology that is. Whether we are able to knock down that squirrel-in-winter cheeked Kim Jong-il’s futile attempts to intimidate us or not, this time, one day we will. Cool.
And then, of course, we have the horror story coming out of Iraq of the two young men mutilated by terrorists. Ugly stuff. Yet, tomorrow, the headlines will probably be that we are such a bad country that we put panties on the heads of detainees at some prison somewhere. Or that we had dogs bark at them. Or that we made them stand naked in front of infidel females. Oh, the horror.
Probably the only thing I don’t disagree with the Shrub on is the war, although I know he undertook it for reasons other than stated. I DO think that the world is a better place without Mr. Hussein in power. I also know that the facts show that FEWER Iraqi citizens are in peril now because he is out of power. That is a fact, check it out. Life expectancy in Iraq is GREATER today than before the Shrub decided to invade. Fact. Have we lost friends and neighbors? Yes. Is freedom for the world worth it? Yes. The only problem I have with the Shrub is that he listens too much to other politicians and tries to wage war much like Vietnam, controlled. Heck with that, unleash the full fury of the US Military might and end it now.
So, I’m not a politician. Go figure. Late.
Run, Shrinking Big Jolly, run! The country needs you NOW! Send the Shrub a note requesting he unleash the military fury!
If SU doesn’t stop taking me to Mexican food places, I’ll return to the Big Big Jolly.