came through in a special way to honor a fallen U.S. soldier. I have a few pictures up here.
Yesterday, the SE Texas Patriot Guard Riders escorted Sgt. Omar Mora’s body from Scholes Field in Galveston to the Emken-Linton funeral home in Texas City. There was a very large turnout for an escort on a weekday. I counted 31 flag bikes, 2 trikes, 57 non-flag bikes and 4 support vehicles. The American Red Cross provided water.
Captain Mike hopped on Scott Given’s bike and went out to meet the jet. He led the jet through a water cannon salute and up to the waiting honor guard. Our flag line was L shaped and stretched about 100 yards on one side and 30 or so behind the family.
There were a lot of family members and friends to greet Sgt. Mora’s body. It was a very emotional time and heartbreaking to watch.
After leaving the airport, we rode to the seawall as we did during other missions in Galveston. It is always amazing to me to see ordinary, everyday Americans stop and salute our fallen soldiers. It brings hope back into a darkened day. We turned on 61st Street towards I-45 and the people continued to stop and honor Sgt. Mora’s sacrifice.
Businesses were shuttered as the patrons assembled on the sidewalks. A couple of women were standing on an island of sorts holding flags. Many, many people had tears in their eyes, as did I. It’s hard not to shed a tear thinking of a young mother left alone with a five year old daughter.
Our procession stretched out over a mile on the freeway. As on other missions, cars on the opposite side of 45 pulled off, occupants exiting and saluting. The Bayou Vista Fire Department parked their pumpers along the freeway with 20 or so firemen standing at attention and saluting. As we continued on 146 through Texas City, more people came out and honored this young man.
Regardless of anyone’s politics, this is the right thing to do for our fallen soldiers. Protests and slogans are for a different time, a different place. God Bless Sgt. Mora’s family.
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