today, all in all. Smoked up some killer baby backs, very nice! Got the oil changed on 2’s car. 1 called again, methinks she is a bit homesick.
Talked SU into going with me tonight to Anderson Fair to see an acoustic act that I heard on Larry’s show today, Houston Marchman. First time I’ve been to Anderson Fair, I’ve wanted to go for awhile but just haven’t made it. Pretty cool place, very intimate setting. And, NO SMOKING! How cool is that? The music was better than average, all acoustic, even had a 7 ft tall bass! That thing sounded great, especially when the player ran the bow across it. Kinda made the whole room rumble. Houston has a good voice, kindof a cross between Garth Brooks and Vince Gill. Odd combination, but it works. Young lead guitarist that might be pretty good one day, he has a great start.
Talked to BIL today for a long time. Tried to get him to come with us but he was pretty worn out. He spent most of the week helping a mutual friend who is pretty much brain fried. The friend finally committed himself so now BIL’s focus is on the family. BIL has a big heart, bigger than his ability to help. But he tries. I could learn from him.
Heard from an old friend today, JB. We’ve been living separate lives for the past couple of years and I miss him. Think I’ll try to get that relationship back on track. It gets lonely sometimes on the man front. Late.
Good plan….you miss someone you invite them back into your life…go BRO!