changing strings on guitars. Picked up a set of Elixir Nanoweb lights on Saturday for big ugly, my Taylor 615. When I had Mick set it up, I had him put on mediums, so I was a little concerned that I’d set a little fret buzz because they were low already.
After putting them on and playing for 15 minutes or so, no worry. I do have to use better technique but that’s not a bad thing. That guitar is just plain awesome, never heard another one quite like it. The harmonics are incredible, as you are tuning you’ll get harmonics ringing through other strings.
Rainy days are also good for listening to music. Tried to find a video of Gretchen Wilson singing Sunday Morning Coming Down but had to “settle” for the man in black.
But I did find Gretchen singing with Ann and Nancy Wilson.
And more Ann and Nancy. Nothing like memories from my youth.
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