about my corrupt church post. So nasty I might just turn off the feature on my server that allows any email sent to bigjolly.com to go to my account regardless of the address. In this case, it was addressed to judgemental@bigjolly.com.
Anyone that thinks I’m being judgemental and phariseeical just hasn’t taken the time to read any of my previous posts. And I think that they probably have a pretty guilty concious about what I posted regarding “Christian” political groups. No, I hope and strive to be like the tax collector that Jesus spoke about in Luke 18:9-13
9-12 He told his next story to some who were complacently pleased with themselves over their moral performance and looked down their noses at the common people: “Two men went up to the Temple to pray, one a Pharisee, the other a tax man. The Pharisee posed and prayed like this: ‘Oh, God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, crooks, adulterers, or, heaven forbid, like this tax man. I fast twice a week and tithe on all my income.’
13 “Meanwhile the tax man, slumped in the shadows, his face in his hands, not daring to look up, said, ‘God, give mercy. Forgive me, a sinner.'”
Yep, that would be me. As Paul said in Romans 7:14-16:
14-16 I can anticipate the response that is coming: “I know that all God’s commands are spiritual, but I’m not. Isn’t this also your experience?” Yes. I’m full of myself—after all, I’ve spent a long time in sin’s prison. What I don’t understand about myself is that I decide one way, but then I act another, doing things I absolutely despise. So if I can’t be trusted to figure out what is best for myself and then do it, it becomes obvious that God’s command is necessary.
Why is it that people choose to use vile language and descriptions about someone that expresses an opinion? And that particular post wasn’t even up an hour before I got that email.
I hope this had nothing to do with our conversations yesterday (on LST) concerning Kuo’s book, Dobson/Armey, etc.
It’s a really sad day when Christians can’t disagree with any measure of civility, regardless of whether this was related to LST or not. I struggle with my faith precisely because of this sort of thing. I really need to keep the big picture in mind; that my salvation will come from Jesus Christ, not whether or not some person finds my beliefs/opinions to their particular liking.
NoPol, yeah, unfortunately it did. I really did try to stay positive, obviously I failed. Guess it’s my incoherence. Fortunately, grace is free to all, even me.