weekend after the all-day ride on Saturday. I wasn’t feeling all that great yesterday, I suppose too much sun and not enough water. Never, ever forget the water, drink bunches and bunches. I think the older you get, the more dehydration affects you.
For not feeling so great, I had a very good day at church. Class was most excellent as we continued our study of spiritual growth, discussing the various roles of the Holy Spirit, scripture and prayer. One of the best thoughts that I remembered was something along the lines of “stop spending so much time, energy and effort on trying to change. Just focus on being filled with the spirit and change will occur effortlessly”. I’ve never thought about it like that before but it rings true.
And growing through the Word, growing from a suckling infant to a raw meat eating adult. That is one of the hardest things to do, especially in a day and time when a church is little more than entertainment. It’s sad to see churches packed with 10-15 thousand people and see no impact in their communities. Christians attend a service for an hour on Sunday mornings, filling themselves with the Holy Spirit and expecting that to last until the next Sunday morning, repeating the process. Sorta like putting a gallon of gas in your truck and trying to go a week without adding more fuel. Doesn’t work that way.
Lunch with Pop at Dinner Bell again. It’s been pleasant the last couple of weeks because we avoid negative stuff and negative people. It isn’t easy to do that but it can be done, as we’ve demonstrated.
SU and I went to the evening service again. Funny how most churches have dropped services on Sunday and Wednesday nights. I’m glad we haven’t done that, those are the times when you get to know people. Started a study in Joshua that will last a couple of months.
All in all, a very good weekend for me.
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