Wow, I forgot how good a shower can feel! And this is only 48 hours after my last one. Man, that felt good.
I’m so ready to leave, I’ve got to calm down. Probably won’t be the best idea to leave right now, but I’m outta here ASAP. And probably before. It does look like we were spared major damage, but I won’t know until I pull into the driveway.
Oh, man, SU and I slept for about 5 solid hours last night, that felt better (hmm, maybe it’s a toss up) than the shower! Late.
You’re right about the shower! Nothing like hot steam to melt away stress along with skank! It took B&R 23 hrs to get here (Cedar Hill) and they were ready to eat, shower, and sleep. I feel so blessed they made it safely, and to have a loving family who checks on each other. We all called around until we knew all were safe. SSU was so great about keeping the granddogs; that was a huge relief for all of us! Bro Dave, thank you for having this space where we can share and give thanks.
We were truly blessed during this storm. We only lost cable for a little while. Power flickered a little but never went totally out–just long enough for me to reset clocks. The granddogs have really entertained Angel! She has worn herself out playing with them.
You know, Bro, “STRESSED” turned around is “DESSERTS” so have one or two! LOL
Love to all! Susan
I was the most blessed….I was entertained by Dad! He really enjoyed his granddogs…thinks they are just a tiny bit dog and the rest spoiled rotten! Dad even made us matzo cornbread which was delicious..hardly missed the baking powder! The most fun was cooking coffee on the maybe the scrambled eggs was the most fun! Whatever, it was quite an experience!
Hmm, I think me’ sister is cuckoo. Which one?
Surely BJ isn’t referring to SSh!!! HA HA HAHA