no matter how much you want to. And I want to ignore this but just can’t. One of the more interesting things about putting your thoughts out on the web is the strange responses you can get to the most inane thoughts and the complete lack of such to some of what you think are decent observations. So it is with much hesitation I bring this up but it begs consideration.
What already? Left Behind Game
Okay, so now I’m treading in deep water but this game is just wrong, IF you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. If not, blast away I suppose. But remember, this is supposed to be a positive view of Christianity. Hmm. Let’s see about that:
“You lose spirit points if you kill somebody, but you can hit the prayer button to restore the points.”
Okay, so I can blow away someone and pray it away? Are they sure about that?
“We had the vision to create a game with a positive moral message based on biblical values that parents could embrace and discuss with their kids.”
Biblical values? Guess I missed this one:
“You are sent on a spiritual and military mission to convert people, and nobody is allowed to remain neutral,”
Can anyone say Islam? Forced conversion? This is Biblical?
though neither he nor most of those e-mailing him have yet seen it for themselves.
Okay, well, I’m in that group. Haven’t seen it, haven’t played it. But I’ve seen the false rapture stuff for years – this is based on that – and it isn’t going to help spread the Good News.
The game has elements that educate players on various issues (such as evolution and intelligent design), and gives them the opportunity to become believers.
Great. More drivel. I wonder if they have a cartoon character asking the game players to recite the sinner’s prayer before blowing away the heathens. Sigh. Late.
OK… I’ll admit it. I did read the “Left Behind” series. Someone suggested the first one to me and I just kinda got hooked and read them all. Are they accurate representations of the end times? I really doubt it. There’s so much room for interpretation of Revelations it boggles the mind. So I guess about the best I can say for the books is that they at least made me think about what the reality of Revelations is, even if the books aren’t it.
Then, out of a morbid sense of curiousity, I watched the first movie. OK, that was plenty of “Left Behind” for me. But now a board game? That is just bizarre. From what you cite, I’m not really seeing where the love of Christ is evident in the game. So what is the point of it? To further cheapen and commercialize Christianity? My flabber is gasted.
Yeah, it’s unreal what people will do to make money. It’s unfortunate that they choose to do so at such a high price to the integrity of Christianity. It’s no wonder that so many people are critical of the faith or are turning to introverted sects of the faith. I can only trust that God’s work will continue despite the obstacles.
And your point about fiction sparking interest in the Bible is a good one. I read a LOT of fiction – some targeted to Christians, some not – and I seem to always find a stream of thought that leads me to study the Bible. Weird but true! Koontz and Dekker are particulary good at it.