this morning between home and church. Started off the day by taking 2 to the big airport to see her off to Italy. Every time I take someone to the airport, I pine for the innocent days before terrorists decided to disrupt our live.
I remember sitting in the terminal with family watching the planes come in, saying “there’s your plan!” and hugging and waving last goodbyes as they walked up the ramp to board. Stupid terrorists have taken that away. Now, the best you can do is see them into the lobby and say your goodbyes there.
And a rough goodbye it was. It’s hard to put one of your most precious belongings into the hands of others. Probably just as hard to force yourself to realize that she is no longer a little child. Can’t wait to see the pictures and hear about the adventures.
Sunday School was really disappointing, the attendance has dropped off so far I’m thinking that perhaps it is time for someone else to do this, especially for the men.
Church was pretty awesome. BT and I spent several hours yesterday working on the music for today, he’s pretty amazing. I’d tell him, no, that key is too high, lower it. No, too high, raise it. No, let’s move it a third. And on. Finally settled on “There’s a Light at the End of the Darkness” in the key of C. Had a blast today. And SSh was there as well.
We all piled in Pop’s van and headed down to Dinner Bell for lunch. No negativity, just good family time.
Headed back tonight, I’m going to lead worship again. I asked MV to sing Victory in Jesus with me.
She’s in her late 70’s or early 80’s, I’m not real sure. But she’s been at the church as long as I have, 37 years. Her husband recently started coming back to church after a bitter 30 year absence. Man, bitterness can ruin the soul. But he started coming back 6-8 months ago and he seems so happy now.
He came up to me after the service today, took my hand, with tears in his eyes and said “thank you for what you do. I love you.” Made my day.
That’s awesome! See how things work!