to snuff but somewhat better. I think. It’s not that I’m in a lot of pain or anything, just in never-never land, spinning out of control. Like all the time dizzy. Very weird.
Managed to get the class paper finished and on-line, that was something anyway. Been really busy at work, nice to go through that occasionally. Picked up another Lee Child novel, one of the Jack Reacher series, called One Shot. I mentioned before about the style of writing, real short sentences, almost a cadence to it. But again, once you get beyond the desire for a compound sentence, it flows very well and is pretty interesting.
Looks like the Senate is going to pass a “comphrehensive” immigration bill. Nothing much I can do about it except vote against people who are for it. Bummer. Truth is, as long as they don’t wave their flag in the streets, I’m pretty passive about it. Maybe the House can force stronger border security, Shrub’s plan is a joke and people know it. National Guard troops without weapons. Yippee.
Been playing the guitars quite a bit lately. I can finally play enough to where it is an outlet and not a chore. No, I’m not “stretching” and learning lots of new techniques, just strumming to be happy. After all, isn’t that what it is supposed to be about?
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