steps on its’ you-know-what every time it turns around. It is incredible that they did not anticipate the uproar that is being created by the sell of 6 leases on US ports. Or maybe they did and decided to hold the fort as best they could.
But in reality, what were they to do? Let American companies operate them? Sure sounds like a good idea. Unfortunately, they weren’t being operated by an American company in the first place. The company that DPW purchased the leases from is also a foreign company. Ah, you say, but it isn’t owned by a foreign government so it isn’t the same. And there is some validity to that statement, although in todays’ economy, is any company not part of a government somewhere? Just look at the US, most large corporations and many smaller ones are subsidized in some fashion by the taxpayers.
Well, okay, but the UAE has ties to terrorists. Ahem… does Iraq (just another jab at the shrubster). In truth, all countries have ties to terrorists if we want to go that route. I mean, come on, the 911 guys didn’t take over planes from other countries and fly them here did they? So, couldn’t someone make the case that we were “tied” to terrorist activities since terrorists were operating within our borders? Yes, boys and girls, they could. So that won’t fly.
What then is the problem? Well folks, let’s just be honest. We don’t want no Arabs around. Isn’t that the truth? Unless of course, we want their oil, then, sure, you can come to dinner. Or better, just take our money. You know, the money we once had, now you have, now you want to buy our country back from us. I think that is way closer to the truth than we care to admit.
Great commentary! Might want to send that one in to the Chronicle….you would be a great op ed guy!