politics makes for strange bedfellows. Boy, isn’t that true. Who’d a thunk that the Bigjolly would, in this lifetime, agree wholeheartedly enough with Ted Rall to write him and tell him good job? Wow. Ted is an interesting guy, polar opposite of me in most everything. I’ve enjoyed his cartoons because they make me think and his columns mostly because I can’t believe anyone actually believes some of the stuff he writes. But he does and is steadfast about it, not a typical limp wristed liberal. He always emails back and always defends his position without name calling and too much rhetoric.
So, to the point, his column this week on Hamas is spot on. This is exactly what we asked for, democracy, exactly what we got, now we want to run from it. Now, I don’t have a clue as to what we should do, but it seems to me that if we are going to write the rules to the game, we shouldn’t change them after the “wrong” person or group crosses the finish line. But we have and not only in this case but in dozens of others around the world. And although this isn’t new with our current President, the shrub, it does strike me as more hypocritical under his watch given his track record for the past 5+ years.
Update: Along the same lines, an article on Aljazeera about the port deal that went awry.
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