Houston Police Officer Rodney Johnson was murdered in the line of duty yesterday by Juan Leonardo Quintero, a convicted felon with a lengthy record. And a record of piddling punishment. And deferred adjudication. Yes, deferred adjudication for molesting a 5 year old three times. Sick.
Mr. Quintero is an illegal alien. Years of run in’s with city, state and federal law. Never deported because Houston is a sanctuary city. (update: the Chron is reporting that his wife claims he has been deported – I say close the friggin’ borders)
The question is, when we it stop? When will the leaders of our cities, states and federal government do the right thing and protect the citizens that elected them?
People blatantly breaking our laws, marching in our streets carrying foreign flags, crushing our health care system under the weight of their bad debts, forcing our schools to allocate desperately needed resources to them.
And all the while, if you speak out against them, you are branded a racist pig breeding hatred. So brand me while you look down on me with your arrogant, superior attitude. Whilst you sit there in your ivory tower with your smug arrogance, think about the family of the man that was murdered. The man that would be alive today if Senor Quintero had be deported.
We can send a very strong message by voting AGAINST those already in office. That would send a very strong message of voter dissatisfaction with the “ivory tower” politicians…I will be happy to help build a fence around the border. I am sorry millions of other voting Americans would be happy to join me.