when I have a lot of thoughts about life and things spiritual but can’t get a handle on the whole of them. And it’s driving me crazy. It’s so much easier to have a concrete thought about something than it is to ponder different scenarios, especially in things spiritual.
And it doesn’t make it any easier when “leaders” of Christianity continue to make fools of themselves. Latest example being Pat Robertson, again. So this year God tell him that mass killings will take place late in 2007. And that US policy is pushing Israel to “national suicide”. I wonder why God talks to him about this stuff. And I’m really curious as to who in the heck listens to this buffoon, supports this buffoon or gives this buffoon any credibility? I mean, seriously, would the BigJolly ever in a million years consider sending this guy a check?
I’m browsing through email and receive one from christianbusinessdaily.com. Whoa, OPEN IMMEDIATELY – “7 Wealth Secrets of the Rainforest” it says in bold letters. Hmm. So, being the curious sort, I open it up. Lo and behold, God was speaking again:
“Son, everything you need to know about business, you can learn in the rainforest.”
The rainforest, eh? God sure ’nuff gets around these days. And if I hurry, I can purchase this for $50 off and get Bonus # 1 which includes this gem:
On one side, you have the Vision of God calling you from the secret place of your heart, beckoning you to something higher, something eternal, something utterly fulfilling. On the other side, you have a plethora of television infomercials hosted by new age motivational gurus offering you dark counsel, inviting you to “release the giant withinâ€, beckoning you to something lower, something temporal, something that feeds the cries and lusts of the flesh. Which will you choose?
Which indeed, which indeed. Is it any wonder Christians are mocked? Now, I’m not saying this is a legitimate Christian organization, obviously it isn’t and neither is Pat Robertson’s. But, unfortunately, others will use this against those people going about their lives, daily trying to become more like and closer to their Creator.
But it isn’t only “others” that are mocking Christ. Nor mostly “others”. No, it is mostly done by those same people that are going about their daily lives trying to be more like Christ but failing to see that they are compromising to and accommodating the very things that Christ spoke against. Once again, Fr. Stephen has chosen today to post a thought that is very much on my mind lately.
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