this morning. Had a large group for class and the men were in a very talkative mood. I think they are getting to know each other a little better and aren’t as uneasy voicing their opinions. Had a couple of dissenting views today, always nice.
We discussed taking risks for your beliefs. Never an easy thing, even here in America where we do not have the threat of physical violence. The 4th chapter of Esther is very powerful stuff.
Our men’s quartet sang a song called Gloryland today. That was a lot of fun singing a good ol’ Southern gospel number. We nailed it pretty hard too. Sweet.
I’ll skip comment on the sermon, it was more like a shareholders meeting discussing finance. Yuk. Hmm. Guess that’s not really skipping it. Oh well.
Lunch was pretty funny. SU and I went with Pop for Mexican food. He was telling us about one of the crazy ladies at church telling him that she loved him and was going to marry him. SU tells him it must be nice to be 80 and still hot. Next thing you know he’ll have some chick in diapers chasing him. Well, at his age it might not be an unusual thing.
Watched Bullit again last night. It was my bad mood and tiredness that made me question it the other day. Once again, the camera angles, music and lighting really added to it. Directors today should think more about the basics instead of special effects. It was interesting when his girlfriend sees a dead body and goes into shock. She calms down (or so he thought) and then says out of the blue, “I don’t even know you anymore” because his reaction isn’t the same as hers. Just like a woman. Late.
This message was brought to you by the Beef Council.
Beef. It’s what good puppets are made of.
McQueen is the coolest! There’s nobody like him on the screen today. Movie stars today are weiners. Today who do we have? Afleck? Denzel Washington? puh-leeze…. Jack Bauer would shake in fear in the presence of McQueen!
Just got through watching ‘The Thing’ with Kurt Russel.
In 1988, I was stationed inKeflavik Iceland and our command was several miles away from the main base. It was in the dead of winter and here’s our little building on the edge of nowhere, covered on snow with the wind howling. At about three in the morning, I was tasked with taking out the trash. I grabbed a couple of trash bags and went to the dumpster outside. I began to remember the movie ‘The Thing’. It started to creep me out, since our building all of a sudden began to look a lot like the one in the movie. I picked up the pace and made it to the dumpster. I opened the dumpster and a freakin’ cat came flying out over my shoulder MEEEOOOOW! And ran right past me. I almost soiled myself and shrieked like a little girl. I threw the bags in the trash and hurried back inside the building.
Now, go forth and rent The Sand Pebbles and Tom Horn!
People don’t realize how dangerous it is in artic climates to do simple tasks
Please…I hope we don’t hear “here comes the bride” for a couple of 80 year olds… diapers!!
Bigjolly is being humble. The fact is, the men’s quartet rocked the house! First standing ovation I remember in the six plus years attending the church.