two door beater: why did you have to add to the stereotype of Hispanics that run into cars and take off without stopping to show proof of insurance and drivers license?
SU was hit from behind today and dude looked at her and took off, weaving in and out of traffic on I-45 near UH. In the rain. Sigh. The Sonata is less than a year old and a beautiful car. Now it is in the shop under my uninsured motorist coverage.
Take your May Day parade and……….
I pray she wasn’t hurt….and one more reason why we need to send the Mexicans home to Mexico…..NOW
You just made my point – I don’t know if he was illegal or not! He added to the stereotype, pouring more fuel on this stupid fire.
BTW, SU is okay, just a little sore. Thanks.
Unfortunately, most stereotypes come from small amount of truth.
I know…there must be some way we can verify all drivers are driving legally ALL OF THE TIME…and ALL DRIVERS have insurance…Checkpoint Charlie might need to be revived!
Actually the solution is a simple one. One must show proof of insurance when registering or having their vehicle inspected. One must also show proof of insurance when they renew their drivers license.
There are all kinds of databases out there, so what is the problem with the Insurance industry reporting to the DPS when someone drops their insurance. A clearing house of sorts.
When someone drops their insurance the state sends them a letter stating they must turn in their plates or provide proof of insurance again. If they do not then a bench warrant is issued and a substantial fine is assessed.
No insurance = No plates
Perfect solution…have you submitted this to the Texas Legislature? That would cover Texas drivers…now to come up with a solution for the thousands of other non Texas registered drivers…great point!