Whoohoo, it’s almost here! The big Pickett House run is 24 hours away!
Rode the bike to work 4 out of 5 days this week. Putting lots of miles on it. At this weeks gas and diesel prices, I’m saving 8.6 cents per mile or $4.66 each day I ride to work. So, that means I saved $18.66 this week in fuel which should just about pay for my ride and meal tomorrow! Cool, huh?
One of the truck drivers that came through the plant this week was checking out my bike and I mentioned the Pickett House run. Turns out he has a Harley and was looking for a place to ride. So he asked me if it would be okay if he and his son-in-law rode with us. Sure. Later that afternoon, he came back by and said a couple of retired firemen wanted to join us if that was okay. Sure. Next morning he called and said 4 more of his friends wanted to join us. Sure.
I think that if they all show up, they will outnumber us! Hope the boys don’t mind, it’s a big road and a big enough restaurant. I know at least 7 of us from church are going, if 8 of these guys show up it will be an impressive show going down the road!
UpdateMy new Mustang Cruiser Seat just came in via UPS! RO and I put it on in about 15 minutes (had to find the right size Torx bit). Bam! What a difference! Just in time for the big dance!
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