so that I could ride the Marauder up to Lovelady and participate in a Patriot Guard function. Wow, what a day. Tired, tired and more tired. 260 miles on the bike. Cold, cold and more cold. Man, I can still feel the chill from the ride.
Left the trailer park around 10 this morning, returned around 5:30 this afternoon. Met up with 13 other bikes on the north side of Houston at Louella and 45. Picked up more riders as we rode north, by the time we stopped to refuel in Riverside, we were up to 24 bikes. Proceeded onward to Lovelady and met the other groups at the bank there. The official count by ride captain Streaker was 55 bikes and 2 trikes but I swear I counted 63 and 2.
We left from the bank to go to the funeral and it was an awesome, awesome sight. At the front of the group were the bikes carrying big flags, must’ve been 20 or more of them. Wow, what a sight we were as we went up Texas 19 to honor Spc. Carl Allen Eason of Lovelady. There is more info on the Patriot Guard forum here – Spc. Eason. I’m so glad that I was able to participate today and honor this fallen soldier.
The whole town was shut down in his honor. The schools closed, the banks closed, the stores closed. He was a volunteer firefighter in Lovelady and they were out in force with the fire trucks from surrounding communities. He must have been a fine young man to receive this much support. May God Bless his wife and three young sons.
I put up my pics from today, unedited, just click here.
Thank you so much for being there!