this evening, “Codebreakers”. Didn’t have any idea what it was about, actually thought it was an Army movie or something. 1 wanted to rent it, so we did. And beef/jalapeno pizza from Village Pizza to go along with it (with the requisite dose of Pepcid, which helps the heartburn but does nothing for the “bottom line” tomorrow).
Okay, so how was I supposed to know that the movie mirrored today’s news? Eh? Impossible! But true. Except, it didn’t mirror it, it was polar opposite. As in, tell the truth. TELL THE FREAKIN’ TRUTH!
But no, we can’t do that, we must say things that are utterly unfathomable. As in, I bought the meth but didn’t use it. Or, I hired the gay prostitute but didn’t use him except for a massage. ARRGH!
Someday, I swear, someone will just say, hey, I screwed up. Get over it.
It was a good movie. Really. Promise. Just can’t get today’s news off my mind. Late.
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