evening. SU and I met up with R&RH at a new restaurant called Taters in Deer Park. Interesting concept, basically a family style meal. You pick your entree from 6 or 7 choices, the usual stuff, chicken fried steak, pot roast, fried or roasted chicken, fried or grill catfish, etc. Everything else comes in bowls to pass around the table – green beans (very good), creamed sweet corn (very good), mashed potatoes, salad and brolls. That’s right, brolls, combination of biscuit dough and yeast dough. Very good.
After that we went to the Pasadena Opry, a once a month event in the Kyle Chapman Community building. Wish I could say it was great, but…can’t. It was fun! But not so great musically. The guy that owns the barber shop I go to plays the bass and leads it. The band was good, a steel guitar, lead/rhythm guitar, bass, piano and drums. All of the guys could play.
Unfortunately, this was gospel night. After a couple of songs by the band, some Pentecostal preacher dude sang three songs. Not so good. But way better than the next group. Group called Men of Praise from Sagemont Church. Awful. There were eight of them and I’m not sure any one guy could sing on pitch. They sang a few songs with the band backing them, that helped. But then they switched to the old church standby, karaoke style. Awful. And looooong. I thought they would never stop.
Funniest thing was, they were trying to sell their CD’s! Can’t even imagine that, guess their wives and kids buy them to give to their grandparents for Christmas. Only thing I could think of.
But like I said, it was a fun evening. Good food and fellowship can make up for ear splitting older male falsetto tones. Sometimes.
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