movie last night called The Gospel of John. I’d wanted to see if for a couple of years now and finally put it in my Netflix queue. It came out shortly before The Passion and was steamrolled by that movie in publicity.
But they are really two very different types of films. The Passion is moving and appeals to the emotions. The Gospel of John takes a very different approach and is simply what it says – the gospel according to John. Word for word from the Bible. I just noticed that imdb lists it as The Visual Bible. I wonder if more movies like this are planned?
It was very interesting watching the words come to life. As SU says, this makes it easy to see why the people of His day rejected him. And she was right. But I’d approach that question from another angle – how hard it must have been to have been a believer and follower of this man in his lifetime?
I’ve been meaning to watch that movie. I will have to give it a spin…