good evening (well, could’ve been better, SU and I missed each other in the comings and goings but other than that…).
First, went to visitation, pretty good group there tonight. PR came for the first time. Pop and I made 3 visits; the first one to a couple that should come to our class (good visit), then to the guy I’ve been talkin’ about (not home) and then to one assigned to us (empty house, moved away. The first one was worth it though, it was easy to see that they are a natural for our group, one spouse interested, the other not. Perfect!
Then, I just went up to my new guitar room (not quite a studio, yet) and played for a while (just looked at the clock, actually a long time!). Have a new song for our class, need to shoot it to JM but he’ll get it quick, not sure why but he’s just way quicker than I am. Okay, you know it, Shout to the Lord, but hey, it’s new for me! C’mon, gimme a break!
Plus, 1 called and was in a great mood; she’s feeling good and having a great time at school (I think it’s called independence)! That alone is worth the price of admission boys and girls! Late.
Every thought you share helps us to know you better and it’s great! For several years, BD’s singing got me thru tough times. He still does, but ….Just as SSu has been in real life, You’ve become a solid Christian influence to me thru your blog and I think God is preparing you both for something very special. I ran across a song that just seemed to “fit” you both so it’s in the mail. Our family is so blessed with talent, I am proud to be a part. Keep on keeping on, dear brother