is here at last. Thanksgiving is my favorite of all holidays. I’m not sure why that is or when I came to that realization but it’s been years now. Got up early and started a fire in the pit, let it get just so and then slapped a 20 lb’er on it. Learned a long time ago that turkey is much, much better tasting when it is hot smoked, around 325° F for enough time to get the breast to 150° and the drumsticks in the 190° range. As the bird rests, the breasts will rise up 15° or so, juicy, perfect. Or at least that’s the plan.
Didn’t put much effort forth this year, no stress at all. The pool isn’t perfectly clean, but enough. The deck needs to be swept, the sidewalks swept, that’s about it. I’ll throw in the green bean casserole in a bit, everything else is on it’s way. I did pick up apple and pecan pies but probably they are on their way as well.
So, Bigjolly, why is Thanksgiving your favorite of the holidays? I mean Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, Easter celebrates His resurrection, July 4th celebrates this awesome country you were born in, New Years is a symbol of a fresh start – again, why Thanksgiving? The short answer is simple – I have so much to be thankful for. The long answer is that it is much easier to enjoy a holiday that has absolutely no expectations attached to it, no commercialization, just a time to sit with family and reflect upon the joy that is in the small things in life. So, for now, I’ll go check my turkey, thankful for digital thermometers!
Sounds like a good enough reason to like Thanksgiving to me. Happy Thanksgiving to the BigJolly family from The Dude family. We also have much to be thankful for.
Thanks, Mr. Dude and back at ya! 😀
Hey, it was a GREAT day!! I enjoyed it so much, (AND TOO MUCH FOOD!!….I didn’t even eat any dinner tonight) We came back to Dana’s afterward and I took a nap, then we made the LONG drive to take Linda home. Brenda picked her up this morning because “she doesn’t have insurance on her car, and no gas money, and doesn’t want to drive that far”.. So, Brenda made the trip to get her…it takes just over an hour, so do the math…1 hour over there to pick her up, then 1 hour back to here, then another hour to take her back, then another back to here. OVER 4 hours driving. And nearly 250 miles today including the trip to your house!!
Have a good weekend.