when His glory I shall see. After today, I’m ready. Dunno, sometimes I wonder what the heck I’m doing around here. Think you do something good and BAM!
Anyways, did manage to survive while SU was playing in Disneyworld. I think it must have gone very well because she was in a fine mood when I picked her up at the airport. Didn’t even seem to notice that her flight was 45 minutes late. Go figure.
Had a great meal at the remote on the way home, 1 joined us for the fun. She too was in high spirits, made for an excellent meal.
1 picked up a movie on the way home called Freedom Writers starring Hillary Swank as a teacher in an impoverished school. It was clichéd and all but still a good movie. I think sometimes a person is just ready to watch something that makes them realize how good they have it, even if the movie itself is cheeky.
Really in a bad mood right now and don’t really feel like getting out of it. Drove SU’s car this morning, which meant I had no Sirius to save me. Tried listening to Pat Gray at KSEV, that guy is awful. Tuned over to KPRC and Chris Baker was filling in, he’s bad too. Just not as bad as Pat Gray.
So Baker has the new drug czar on the line and start berating him about the border and how we should just send the troops down there and grease them Mescans. Says he lives with this stuff every day! I’m thinking, dude, you sit in an air-conditioned box every day, screaming into a microphone. What’s so bad about that? Idiot.
Maybe it’s just time for another change.
I can pick up another talk station and I think the numbers are 1270. Michael Gallagher, Dennis Pregger ( I have no idea how to spell his name) and Michael Medved. Please excuse spelling on all names. Pat Gray is annoying. I even like Edd better by himself but realize he needs a break. So Big Jolly if you want a change , try the numbers at the end of the dial lol.