it was! Met JM at church and we played guitars, been a long time and brought back some good memories. Glad his hand is close to 100%, he’s going to join me Sunday, just like old times. Cool. Talked about bikes, guitars, family life, etc. Needed that.
Church was allright, a few of the pastor’s reference points didn’t work. And his continuing to press the issue that the civil war wasn’t about slavery isn’t doing him any favors. But overall, I liked his interpretation of James 3:1-2 and where he seems to be heading with it.
BH was at church, he likes the Tele he bought from me. I found it on craigslist and it was very cheap and close to my work. Told him about it and he wanted it. So I picked it up and had Jim set it up. Played it for just a bit in the shop and it sounded great. Plus it gave me an excuse to call him since he hadn’t been at church in a couple of weeks.
Still looking for a bike, so many choices!
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