We didn’t have church tonight, so I was able to go to Katie’s in Bacliff to hear some great live music. The Amigos have a regular jam session on Sundays, I wish it were on another evening so that I could go more. Jim of Lone Star Guitar heads it up. He was really playing great tonight, you could tell he took some time off. We had a very good conversation about things spiritual as well. He has written a song that he wants me to hear the next time I go to the shop. Cool stuff.
Instances like this continue to add layers to my thoughts about things spiritual. I really had an urge to go tonight, Jim really had an urge to talk to someone about things that he doesn’t have anyone else to talk to. Cool. Late.
I read your note on forgiveness vs. repentance. It is a great thought. We really should give forgiveness before it is even asked for. I believe that forgiveness comes first. It is by that forgiveness that draws men. To treat someone with forgiveness before they even ask for it is what is a strange religion. But for the individual who recognizes his need for forgiveness, repentance is the way to recieve it. It is the way they forgive themselves.