back on the ‘net! Been down since Thursday night, they came out this morning while I was at church to repair it. Apparently, one of my neighbors tried to connect their cable illegally and cut our line. Uh-oh. Not good for them
Interesting lunch today. I think there were 17 of us celebrating Pop’s 79th birthday. Sisters Sharon and Susan were there, along with Brother Tim & SU Brynna, Nieces Belinda (w/SU Roger)Â and Susan (aka Sissy), Nephew Wayne and others. Including a special surprise guest, ‘ol Pop still has it.
Sorry I couldn’t make it but I heard a good time was had by all. I’m glad Dad’s lady-friend was able to go; guess you’re right, Bro Dave…he still has it. Companionship is a wonderful thing, so go Dad go!