storm hits the coast today. This one was almost as bad as yesterday ‘cept I wasn’t out on the scooter.
Around 10:30’ish, I’m sitting at my desk and hear a loud ‘BOOM! You would’ve thought Emeril was throwing down seasonings or something. Had a direct lightning strike on the pole holding our transformers, blew it apart. Had splinters of light pole on the cars in the parking lot 75-80 feet away. Never saw anything like that before.
So’s we were down for 4-5 hours. Had to call Centerpoint three times before they came out and repaired it. Meaning I left the plantation a bit late today.
All is well though because this is date night! And….birthday night! That’s right, the bigjolly is now…29. Again.
Had a nice dinner with SU, that girl is something special I tell you. Sweet card from 1 when I made it back to the trailer and 2 called to top it off.
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