expect them to build it anyways, now did you? Fence
No sooner did Congress authorize construction of a 700-mile fence on the U.S.-Mexico border last week than lawmakers rushed to approve separate legislation that ensures it will never be built, at least not as advertised, according to Republican lawmakers and immigration experts.
Gosh, it is hard to have respect for or like politicians. They lie straight out and expect us to vote for them, all the while knowing that they will not vote the way they tell you. Period. It is all just a shell game, a sham.
In this case, it also reflects political calculations by GOP strategists that voters do not mind the details, and that key players — including the administration, local leaders and the Mexican government — oppose a fence-only approach, analysts said.
Here we go again. The Mexican govt is identified as a key player. What slop.
Bush and Chertoff have said repeatedly that enforcement alone will not work and that they want limited dollars spent elsewhere, such as on a temporary-worker program to ease pressure on the border.
There it is in a nutshell (spoken by nuts): we know what’s best for you peasants. You think you know what you want but we know what’s best. What part of fascism do we not understand by now?
I will not vote for a single incumbent this year, no matter how “good” they are. It is time for the country to make a statement. Oh, I know that it will not matter, but it will matter to me. For governor, I’ll mark whomever is #2 in the polls the day of the election. If it is Democrat Chris Bell, so be it. For most others, I’ll vote Libertarian. Again, just my own protest, I understand it will not make a difference.
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