Thoroughly enjoyed church this morning. Got to lead the worship service and sing with BT and BIL. Finally talked BT (notice he’s no longer suckie boy) into playing the offertory (also notice spelling) and it was great! The boy can play. He needs to find/create more opportunities to do that.
Then went to lunch with SU’s friend and family, that was a nice change of pace. Really enjoyable.
My goodness what a service! Am I blessed or what!! B2 directing the music..B3 playing his fingers off (no suckie boy there!) and AJ singing his heart out! Now I truly know where the musical talent comes from!
Yep…I am blessed!
Yes, it was an awesome service! It started off a little slow with the pastor taking care of some church business, then B2 walked up on stage, said “Good Morning! Welcome to Monument Baptist! Let’s all stand as we sing ‘Get All Excited! Go tell everyone that Jesus Christ is King!'” WOW! What a way to start a service! Gwen was really rockin’ as we all sang. Even heard a few folks clapping along! The excitement just kept building from there. Then when BD2 belted out “Cry Out To Jesus” as BIL & I accompanied, well, even awesome doesn’t seem adequate to describe it. He rocked! We rocked! No, actually, GOD rocked! Man just doesn’t have a drug that’d compare to the high I felt. Like I said, awesome doesn’t even come close to describing it. THE MAN was there in that House Sunday morning. We all are blessed!
To which S1 says a hearty “AMEN”