weekend, one in which the weather was just splendid. SU and I spent yesterday just bumming around, not accomplishing much but relaxing a lot. Shopped for more remodeling stuff, going to try my hand at crown molding next. Finally got another motion sensitive light for the pool area, installed it today.
Class was very interesting today. Very small group, not sure if it is just the splendid weather or if it is a down cycle. BIL was there, that was nice. It was an eclectic group, most of the guys were ones that don’t come often plus two visitors. We continued on in our series of lessons about spiritual growth and I opened the class with the question, what are some hindrances to spiritual growth? Figured I’d get the usual, temptation, sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll. Nope. First answer was spouse.
Took me a second to snap to what he was saying. Much like the uneven yoke illustration 2 Corinthians 6:14-17. Certainly that could be a hindrance, no question. One of the visitors, let’s call him T, started chuckling. And continued. So I asked him what was so funny and he answered “I don’t want to be here. I’m only here because my wife wants me to come with her. I don’t think you have to go to church to get to heaven. I made a commitment to her with marriage but I don’t want to commit to a church. But if I don’t come, it will hurt her growth”.
Nothing like an honest man and I had to laugh myself. And I assured him that he was right, you don’t have to go to church to go to heaven. I also pointed out that his spiritual growth would be stunted by not being around a group of believers on a regular basis. And assured him that his wife could continue her spiritual growth without him, pointing out to him that her teacher this morning, my SU, did just fine without me for those many years when I thought I could make it on my own. Will he come back? Doubtful. But the Holy Spirit has a way of working things out far differently than my predicitions.
More honesty. The other visitor, let’s call him T2, had a bit of his own honesty. Now, this was his first time in class but I know him from previous visits to his home and through his wife. They were separated for awhile and are now back together. She too wants him to come to church with her. So he started coming and she didn’t like it and decided she would divorce him. Yeah, bizarro but I already knew this stuff. Anyways, here’s what he told T – “Be careful man. They’ll tell you that they want you to come but when you do they don’t like it. They think you are invading their space or something.” Sweet, sweet honesty.
Why do women do this? It happens more frequently than you think if you haven’t been involved in church work. Very strange phenomenon but very true. I think he had something with the invading their space remark.
Rest of the day wasn’t nearly as much fun. Went to Dinner Bell after church with Pop, then Home Depot (man I like Lowe’s better), then nap, install light, go back to church. Weekends fly by, work weeks drag on. Why is that?
Squawk says
ME. I am my own worst enemy and hindrance to my spiritual growth. The Master says that he should be first in all things in our life. When I do not put him first well the spiritual growth stops, It is my responsibility to maintian my spiritual health. Naming a person, place or thing is playing the blame game.
Growing in my walk with God is really easy. I am not talking about religion either. No set schedules on reading the Bible and praying when I get up or eat a meal or going to bed. None of that stuff. Nope not for me.
Nope I gotta work at it 24 hours a day. And what do I “work” on?
If I am always prepared to give an answer then I am constantly “working” on my spiritual growth. Oh btw I gotta read and study the Bible everyday, meditating on God’s word and pray when I am happy or sad during the good times or the bad. Always thanking God for what he has provided. Keeps me out of selfishness. 😉
Oh yeah and I do forget to keep The Master first. I ain’t perfect. But I am working on it.
Bigjolly says
That was a really good comment. I’ll read it to the guys in class on Sunday.