good day at church yesterday. I thought class went really well, the subject matter was growth as a Christian. We had a guest with us, not sure what he thought when 2 of my guys teared up due to personal problems. I felt a bit like Dr. Phil but you know what? I don’t give a rat’s rear what anyone thinks. It is so difficult for a man to release pent up emotions that when it happens, you just gotta go with the flow. And if you can’t show your emotions in a small room filled with Christian brothers, where on earth can you show them?
It was such a glorious day that, after washing SU’s car, I took off on the Marauder to go visit the visitor! He lives in one of those gated apartments, so I had to wait for someone to go through the gate and follow them in. Of course he wasn’t home and of course I didn’t come prepared with anything to leave him. Bummer. So, I pull up to the gate and nothing. I circle around the gate and….nothing. Locked in! Trapped! I’m not sure how the gates operated but finally a car came and I followed it out.
From there I went to visit another guy that has never been to our class although I’ve sure asked him enough. Oh well, all I can do is ask. He was home and we had a nice chat, says he’ll be there next week. Whether he is or not, he knows we’re there when he needs us.
So, off to church but it was really early. What to do? Hmm, how’s about grab a welcome card and go back to the visitor’s apartment to see if he’s home yet. Nope, not home and yep, got stuck inside again. But this time I was able to leave a note at least.
Back to church, just a wonderful day to ride. Major awesome weather. Nice service, got to sing harmony with Musicman, got to sit by my bride, got to say hi to lots of folks, just a great evening at church. The youth had set up a tailgate party, really neat idea, lot’s of dogs and sloppy joes, chips, cookies and cake.
What a day! What a weekend!
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